Florida Disabilities Savings Program presented by ABLE United

2021-05-11T12:07:46-04:00Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

ABLE United, Florida’s disability savings program. In this presentation, you’ll learn how ABLE accounts provide an opportunity to save tax-free without impacting eligibility for public benefits like Supplemental Security Income and Medicaid. You can contribute what you can, when you can, all with the help of family and friends – and the funds can be

Transportation – Adulthood

2020-02-13T21:06:00-05:00Tags: |

TRANSPORTATION Transportation is helpful in maintaining employment, education, healthcare and community life. Transportation services will allow you to live independently within the community. If you do not drive, there are generally two options: public transit and paratransit. Public transit includes fixed route public transportation by bus, subway and light rail. Paratransit includes

Housing – Adulthood

2020-02-13T21:01:21-05:00Tags: |

HOUSING A home of one’s own, either rented or owned, is the cornerstone of independence for any individual. Many people with disabilities face tremendous difficulties in getting and keeping adequate housing. They face obstacles like discrimination, inaccessible construction and unaffordable housing. There are many government supports for home ownership and rental housing

Advocacy – Adulthood

2020-02-13T20:50:59-05:00Tags: , |

ADVOCACY Disability advocates provide assistance and support to ensure that: Your rights are upheld You are an active participate in the decision-making processes Your needs and views are presented to government, service providers and the broader community However, it is very important to advocate for yourself. Even though there are numerous experts

Support Services – Adulthood

2020-02-13T21:05:22-05:00Tags: , |

SUPPORT SERVICES As members of the community, you can access a range of general services including community health, sports and recreation, employment and maternal and child healthcare services. You can request disability supports if: You have an intellectual, physical, sensory or neurological disability or an acquired brain injury The disability impacts your

Financial Resources – Adulthood

2020-02-13T21:00:03-05:00Tags: |

FINANCIAL RESOURCES & BENEFITS Proper financial planning is very important – it is never too early to plan ahead! Creating a financial plan requires you, and your support system, to consider your vision for life when you get older. First, ask yourself these questions: What supports will need to be in place

Financial Resources – Transition Years

2020-02-13T20:36:16-05:00Tags: |

FINANCIAL RESOURCES & BENEFITS Proper financial planning is very important – it is never too early to plan ahead! Creating a financial plan requires you, and your support system, to consider your vision for life when you get older. First, ask yourself these questions: What supports will need to be in place

Support Services – School Years

2019-12-03T14:55:34-05:00Tags: , |

SUPPORT SERVICES Families with a child with a disability often need specific information, including: details about the disability, school services, therapy, local policies, funding sources, transportation, medical facilities and much more. As parents, you know your children best, so look for a professional team that will truly listen to your interests and

Living Independently

2020-02-13T20:57:52-05:00Tags: |

LIVING INDEPENDENTLY People with disabilities can live independently! You can decide how to live, work and participate in your community. However, living independently does not mean doing everything by yourself or living in isolation; instead, it means having the same choices in your every-day life that your non-disabled peers have. This can

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