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Image showing the S.H.A.D.E. Logo. Survivors Healing Advising and Dedicated Empowerment

SHADE Movement presents it’s FREE Zoom Fall Training Series on Human Trafficking. We feel it is vital that our young people, communities of color and LGBTQIA+ are equipped and knowledgeable in order to effectively address this horrific crime that’s victimizing our communities.

All training sessions will take place on a Saturday from 2pm-4pm PACIFIC Time Zone/5pm-7pm EASTERN Time Zone

Training Workshops:

Oct. 23: Southeast Asia Trauma and Sexual Exploitation

Oct. 30: The Most Vulnerable: Trafficking in Black Communities

Nov. 6: Human Trafficking 101

Nov. 13: Prevention – Vital

Nov. 20: The Journey of Healing

Register at https://htcommunity-training2021.bpt.me/ or at www.shademovement.org