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Tell us how we can better advocate for your rights!

We want YOUR input about what issues matter most to the disability community.

With your feedback, we will design and build our strategic long-term 5-year plan.

Saturday, March 12th

10:00 am – Noon

Embassy Suites Ft. Lauderdale

Don’t miss:

Free Continental Breakfast



A guest speech by Haley Moss

It is at a fully accessible location, and there will be ASL interpreters present.

Sign up today!

Guest Speaker: Haley Moss Florida’s first autistic attorney

Diagnosed with autism at age three, today Haley Moss is an attorney, author, advocate, artist, and consultant who is passionate about disability inclusion and neurodiversity. Haley will share her journey from being nonverbal as a child to becoming a lawyer and national keynote speaker. She’ll inspire you, make you laugh, challenge your perceptions of autism, and help you realize how anything is possible with support, guidance, and acceptance.