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Improve your ADA Complementary Paratransit Eligibility process by taking our new workshop!

New Workshop!

Determining ADA Complementary Paratransit Eligibility

ATI Conference Announcement 2023.jpg

This workshop provides transit professionals and managers with the information and tools to develop a comprehensive approach to conducting accurate paratransit eligibility determinations. This workshop will provide participants helpful tips and best practices in determining ADA complementary paratransit eligibility. Participants will be provided informational resources on the ADA requirements for the process for determining ADA complementary paratransit.

Contact us for more information, projectaction@easterseals.com

Travel Training Learning Opportunities

Association of Travel Instruction (ATI) is a national membership organization providing support, information and education for travel instructors.

ATI has announced their 23rd Annual Conference will be held in Salt Lake City on August 8-10, 2023. The conference is designed for travel instructors to learn from industry experts on best practices in travel training! More information will be released soon, early registration ends June 30.


Consortium for the Educational Advancement of Travel Instruction

(CEATI) promotes the continuing development of Travel Instruction through research, education and the development of professional standards in certification.


CEATI has announced the Travel Instruction Conference “Street Smarts” to be host in Pittsburgh, PA on September 29 & 30. More information will be available soon.

Easterseals Project Action, a division of Easter Seals, Inc., provides customized training solutions and technical expertise on the ADA and accessible transportation for human services agencies, transportation providers, states, tribal nations, and communities with the goal of

working together to build accessible communities for all!