Work-based experiences are your key to having a successful school-to-work transition. Career exploration includes the following: job shadowing, internships, unpaid volunteer experiences and paid employment.

There can be a job for everyone who wants one – regardless of the nature of disability, need for workplace accommodation or economic conditions in the community. In addition, effective job development is highly individualized and person-centered, based on youth skills, interests and need for support. Aspirations, skills and positive attributes of the job seeker must match the needs, expectations and workplace culture of the employer.

To help prepare for the work world, do the following: get to know the business community by researching and networking with employers; create an individualized job search plan; and enroll in a vocational program.

For more information, head over to our section on Employment.

“Greet all people with a smile.”

Ethics of the Fathers 3:16

Local Resources

Agency for Persons with Disabilities Employment Enhancement Project
Offers supported employment for APD wait-listed Floridians, ages 18 – 24, with transitioning from school to work. APD has allocated approximately $2,500 per EEP job seeker to provide supported employment coaching, follow-along services for supported employment, transportation for work and paid internships as employment. The intent is for APD, local school districts, collaborating agencies and organizations to work together to assist an additional 200 young adults who are leaving school to secure competitive employment.

CareerSource Broward
Increases opportunities and choices for Social Security Disability (SSDI) beneficiaries ages 18 -64 to become gainfully employed. Three locations in Broward County.

The Dan Marino Foundation
The Dan Marino Foundation (DMF) is a results-driven nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons with autism or other developmental disabilities. Using innovative approaches to problem solving and leveraging the latest computer technologies, the DMF is creating unprecedented opportunities for the disability community. At the core of the Foundation’s initiatives is Marino Campus, an intensive 10-month post-secondary educational program to help young adults with autism or other developmental disabilities bridge the gap between high school and employment.

The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Assists individuals with physical, emotional and developmental disabilities with achieving employment goals. They provide medial/psychological evaluations, counseling, interpreter services, adjustment services and employment assistance.

Picasso Einstein
Picasso Einstein provides educational and consulting services to create meaningful employment for someone with a developmental disability by starting a small sustainable business focused on the strengths and interests of the individual. Picasso Einstein offers courses, consulting and benefits counseling.

The Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work Program
Offers opportunities to those receiving disability benefits to obtain employment, vocational rehabilitation and other services that assist in achieving employment goals.

SpectrumTech Technology Center
United Community Options (UCO) and Helping Adults with Autism Perform & Excel (HAAPE)

After graduation most young adults with Autism need considerable help in finding truly meaningful employment that takes advantage of their unique skills in an appropriate workplace environment. SpectrumTech is HAAPE’s pilot program to train and hire adults with autism to professionally perform software testing and quality assurance/data analysis at a competitive price point within the marketplace, while paying our employees a competitive wage.

Americans Live With an Autism Spectrum Disorder
of Children Have Been Diagnosed with a Developmental Disability